Dr. Wendy's Blog – Page 2 – Dr Wendy Davis ND

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Snow mold - A common cause of early spring sniffles

It is not uncommon to experience congestion and sniffles as soon as the weather warms up and the snow starts to melt exposing acres and acres of snow mold. Snow mold, also known as snow rot, is a type of fungal lawn disease that forms when snow cover or wet leaves remain on the lawn too long, and start to break down and rot. Snow mold, along with other fungi that grow in a thawing, damp environment, often produce spores that are likely to kick up allergies. Sneezing, a runny nose, and congestion are some common symptoms, and often lasts until the spring rains wash them away. In addition to increasing your Vitamin C (2000mg 2x daily), taking a probiotic...

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Medicinal mushrooms are really quite magical!

Medicinal mushrooms are one of the most popular supplements on the market, whether being taken as a powder, capsule or beverage, and with good reason.  They can boost our defense against viruses and other pathogens, protect us against cancer, support healthy brain function, and improve our response to stress.  Mushrooms have a long history of medicnal use. They were used at least 3000-7000 years ago in China and one of the oldest human mummies ever found (4000 year old Otzi, the Iceman) had the Piptoporus betulinus mushroom in his medical kit, a mushroom still used today as a natural antibiotic and anti parastic Mushrooms are amazing for a number of reasons: Mushrooms are a rich source of vitamins and minerals....

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Stress and weight - is there a connection?

You may have heard that chronic stress can sabotage even the best weight loss efforts, and this is absolutely true. And here’s why. Even if you don’t think you have stress, you may want to consider that the body doesn’t know if you’re planning a wedding or a funeral, if you are running way from a lion, or training on a treadmill, if you are in a famine or trying out a new weight loss diet.  Stress can also be pollution, difficult social relationships, sedentary lifestyles and toxins in our food. Our bodies are designed to survive, and in the 21st Century survival looks a whole lot different then it did 25,000 years ago. Cortisol, a hormone made in our adrenal...

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Turkey Meatball Soup

This Family friendly soup is a perfect way to warm up on a cold winter day.  It's also a great way to get liquids and healthy greens into the entire family. It's made with Turkey meatballs, tomatoes, kale or spinach, zucchini, carrots, and to add a little extra for an amazing tasting soup - a parmesan cheese rind. INGREDIENTS: For the Meatballs: 1 ½ lbs of ground turkey ¼ cup of Oatmeal ¼ cup of Parmesan cheese, grated ¼ cup of Parsley, finely chopped ¼ cup minced Onion 1 clove of Garlic ¼ tsp of Salt   FOR THE SOUP: 32 OZ  Chicken Broth 2 tsp Olive oil ½ cup chopped Onion 1 cup diced Carrots ½ cup diced Celery...

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Naturopathic First Aid Kit

For years I’ve had people asking me to put together a first aid using natural remedies so that they had healthy and effective options instead of having to use traditional over the counter medicines. I have 3 various kits available at the clinic - pediatric, basic and complete - and all of them include some of the essentials that I think we should all have on hand. Arnica cream - Hubner   Naka's Arnica Cream is used by sports enthusiasts to relax muscles and relieve muscular pain. It activates blood circulation and produces a comfortable feeling of deep warmth. Less is more with this product - all you need is a dab the size of a pea to provide relief...

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