Ahhh sleep…and counting sheep, it’s the one thing everyone can’t go without. I like to refer to it as one of our superpowers. When we sleep our bodies detox, heal, regenerate and really allow us to be the best humans we can be. Sleep is so important to our overall health and it is the one thing I ALWAYS ask my clients about in our sessions because how they sleep can tell me many things about their health.
Does any of this sound familiar to you?
- A mind that won’t turn off at night
- Waking up throughout the night and having a hard time getting back to sleep
- Feeling that 3pm slump EVERYDAY
- Feeling the wired but tired game
- Not able to fully focus or feeling like your brain is swimming through water (foggy brain)
If you answered yes to any or all of these then a live blood cell analysis could be your next thing to look into. Not sure what Live Blood Cell Analysis is? It consists of a drop of live blood taken from a fingertip prick, and magnified by 1000 times or more under a microscope. The cells of the blood live for at least 20 minutes and with the aid of a video camera on the microscope, I can transfer the video to a monitor, and am able to show you what your blood cells actually look like!
Live blood analysis can reveal many different things, including possible abnormalities which can reflect nutrition status, especially low levels of B12, folic acid, iron, protein and fatty acids. It can also help determine liver or spleen stress and undesirable bacterial and fungal by-products, just to name a few. The live blood can be a huge feedback mechanism, which motivates the client to make improvements in diet and lifestyle. Positive changes in the structure of the blood can be viewed over time, usually 2-3 months as improved nutrition and lifestyle
changes impacts the blood.
A live blood cell analysis can show us indicators that may be affecting your sleep. Examples would be magnesium deficiencies, adrenal stress/fatigue or even thyroid imbalances. These can all contribute to restlessness, tiredness, irritability, brain fog and so much more. When your quality of sleep is poor, your quality of health goes down the tubes. Its all fine and dandy until you run out of sheep to count!
If a LBCA interests you, please book in! I would love to help you on your journey to better sleep and health! Please call the clinic for appointment availability. You can also visit my website www.mynourishedlife.ca to book online for my Esterhazy location.
Your health is your wealth,
Kyla Johanson
My Nourished Life