21 Day Sugar Detox – Dr Wendy Davis ND

21 Day Sugar Detox

Start date: Monday Nov 7 

Types of Sugar

In the past few years we recognize that sugar is behind the rising levels of conditions like diabetes, cancer, arthritis, obesity and  chronic inflammation. Many health care professionals recommend eliminating refined sugars entirely, however, adopting a low sugar diet is not always as easy as it sounds. I know how hard reducing sugars can be and I want to support you with knowledge and tools to make longterm lifestyle change.  This is not a ‘diet’ but a program designed to give you lasting routines you can use now til you’re 92 (and beyond!) 
I hope you will join me for the 21 Day Sugar Detox, I look forward to working with you!


 Whats Included:

  • Weekly meal plans, shopping lists and recipes

  • 3 x 30 minute zoom calls (1 per week)

  • Private Facebook group

  • Tea and Supplement discounts

Start date: Monday Nov 7 

Lemon water