Explorer IgG/IgE Combined – Dr Wendy Davis ND
Explorer IgG/IgE Combined
Explorer IgG/IgE Combined

Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory

Explorer IgG/IgE Combined

Regular price $490.00
Unit price  per 

*Please note that ordering a Test kit does not include any report interpretation by either the lab or Harmony Health Clinic. You will need to book an appointment with Harmony Health Clinic to have your results read and discussed with you at an additional cost. Please feel free to call Harmony Health Clinic at 306-224-0012 to request consult prices prior to purchasing a test (if preferred).*

Information provided by the testing laboratories does not constitute medical advice; but is for educational purposes only.

Get both the Allergy & Food Explorer Tests combined together.

IgE Allergy Explorer

Evaluate Over 150 Foods and Inhalants

IgE Allergy Explorer™ is a comprehensive blood test measuring IgE antibodies to a plethora of foods and environmental allergens.

The IgE Allergy Explorer tests over 150 allergens at the extract and component level, making it the most extensive and affordable functional medicine allergy test available. Plus, the entire panel is a simple at-home collection using just a few drops of blood.


IgG Food Explorer

Evaluate Over 250* Food Sensitivities With a Simple At-Home Collection!

The IgG Food Explorer™ by Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory is an Elisa-based multiplex food sensitivity test measuring total IgG antibodies to an overabundance of foods.

IgG Food Explorer evaluates over 250 food antigens using a simple at-home collection. Results help practitioners personalize diet and lifestyle guidance for their patients to reduce and eliminate symptoms related to adverse food reactions.