Ledum Palustre – Dr Wendy Davis ND
Ledum Palustre


Ledum Palustre

Regular price $9.71
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This remedy may help in situations of:

  • Black and blue bruises: if arnica has not helped, especially bruises around the eyes.
  • Itchy bites or stings: from mosquitoes, bees, wasps and spiders.
  • Puncture wounds: from rusty nails and animal bites *give right away*
  • Fracture or sprained ankles: after Arnica, if the injured area is cold and numb
  • Skin Rashes: that are itchy and feel better from cold water; to prevent a poison ivy/oak rash from developing if other rash symptoms fit.
  • Tick bites: to help prevent LYME *take right away*; it is recommended to take 3x per day for 3 days.
  • Cough, fever, stiffness and pain, etc.
  • Symptoms in general feel better from ice or a cool cloth and are sensitive to the touch and wounds that may feel cool to the touch.

How to administer the remedies:

The tubes included in this kit are made by Homeocan, and they come with a twistable cap. turn the remedy bottle so that the lid is facing the ground. 

Each time you turn the lid, 1 pellet will pop out into the lid. twist so 2-3 pellets come into the lid. do not pour them into your hand.

Make sure you are starting with a “clean mouth.” This means to have no residual tastes in your mouth. No food or drink (other than water), and no teeth brushing, etc. for approximately 15 minutes before and after taking the remedy. Of course if you forget or if you need to take the remedy NOW and you just ate 5 minutes ago it is ok to do so. It just may alter the effectiveness of the remedy, making it ineffective or causing you to need to re-dose sooner.

For adults and older children, pop the pellets (2-3) directly from the lid to under the tongue (this is one dose). Homeopathic remedies are best absorbed when left to dissolve under the tongue. The mucous membranes in the mouth are thinnest under the tongue, and thus the remedy will act quicker if the pellets are left to dissolve there. If the pellets are chewed or swallowed, they have to pass through the digestive system and because of this, take longer to act. They will still work.

A popular option for younger children (who are more likely to just eat the pellets) or babies, is to crush 2-3 pellets between 2 spoons, and then pour the powder into the mouth (this is one dose). You can also dissolve the pellets in half a cup of water, stir vigorously and take about a teaspoon per “dose.”

How often to take the homeopathic remedy that is indicated (dosing):

How often to take the needed remedy is determined by the intensity of the symptoms or what the injury is.

If the problem is very intense, we take our remedies every 20-30 minutes. If more mild, we would take a remedy 3 times a day, always reevaluating if it's needed and still helping.. If a problem starts out more intense, the time between doses gets longer as the condition improves.

For a head injury or a bad burn, we may need to give the remedy every 10 minutes (remedy is given, instant relief but symptoms soon come back, so more would be given). But for something such as a bruise or bug bites, we may only need to give the remedy one time, or 2-3 times spaced throughout the day.

Once you have experienced relief from a remedy, do not take it again unless your problem comes back.

Always seek the help of a medical professional in an emergency or if you are concerned about the health of yourself or someone you are caring for.

If used and chosen correctly, homeopathy can be very effective, however, the remedies suggested are not guaranteed to work.

The information included in these pages and in the kits are based on homeopathic principles and texts and are not to be taken as medical advice.