Dr. Wendy's Blog – Page 24 – Dr Wendy Davis ND

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Summer is a terrible time for Tummy Troubles!

BBQ Season is here and this pretty much ensures a higher intake of hamburgers, hot dogs, quick grab and go snacks and often more alcoholic beverages.   Hey, no judgement because our summers are so short we deserve to enjoy them right?!  However, for some the consumption of these foods can lead to a lot of digestive upset (gas, bloating, heartburn or reflux, loose stool etc). Outside of minimizing these foods (see article on the 80/20 rule), I tend to recommend people take a couple of really effective supplements and finish a meal with a stomach soothing tea to help them enjoy the season without paying too much of a price. ProbioSAP from NFH is a great broad spectrum probiotic that...

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No Time for Ticks!

Just last week my mom asked my sister to take a look at what she thought was a skin tag on her leg. It wasn’t a skin tag, it was an engorged tick! Luckily my dad had attended a talk about Lyme Disease a few years ago and had a special tick remover. https://canlyme.com/product/tick-removal-kit/However, just removing the tick is not always enough, especially since it had been attached for a number of days, so my dear ol’ mom is now on antibiotics for the next few weeks just in case that tick was infected with Borrelia burforgi, or Lyme disease.Lyme Disease, named after Lyme Connecicut, is a multi-system disease that is transmitted from infected deer ticks to humans. Some people...

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Create a Mindful Eating Environment - Handout 5

APPETITE Bring your appetite to the dinner table, but you shouldn't be starving. If you are, you should be eating more during the day.   TEMPERATURE Warm foods that would be better enjoyed warm. If your food is too hot, allow it time to cool (there's no reason to rush perfection).   MUSIC Play slow, positive & calming music. Fast, energetic tunes can leave you feeling rushed.   LIGHTING Dimmed or candlelight lighting will promote an all-around calmness.   SERVE Serve food in the kitchen. This will allow you to select what you would like to eat and will prevent you from eating more just because it's there.   AWARENESS Before starting to eat, notice the colours and smells of...

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Be Mindful of Food Cravings - Handout 4

When you have finished eating your meal, but you still feel like eating more. 1. Brush / floss your teeth, rinse with mouthwash or oil pull, have a mint or sip on tea/ lemon water. 2. Remove yourself from the food environment and find a distraction. Go do work, call a friend or find a new interest. 3. If you watch TV and you are swayed by commercials, pick Netflix or record your shows so you can fast forward through the commercials. 4. If watching tv near the kitchen is problematic for you, set up a tv or other activity away from the kitchen. 5. Consider the possibility of a nutrient deficiency. Chromium picolinate and magnesium deficiencies can commonly lead to increased food...

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Mindful Eating Tips and Tricks - Handout 3

1. Practice out of sight, out of mind. If you are the type of person to prepare or bake foods far in advance, store them at the back of the freezer. The holidays are actually a few days, not an entire season. 2. Don't skip meals the day of a special celebration or gathering. The goal is never to get all dressed up and eat as much as you can when it's served. 3. Be mindful of snacking. If you are preparing the holiday meal, be aware of your snacking during the cooking and baking process. It's easy to eat an entire meal (while tasting) before even sitting down to your dinner. 4. Wear appropriately fitted clothing with a normal...

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